Our service for companies

If it’s about founding or relocating a company, real estate brokerage, subsidy information or business start-ups, or if good contacts and functional networks are needed – the Oberhausen Economic and Tourism Development Agency is precisely the right partner.

The OWT works together with institutes, chambers and associations, initiates its own projects and contributes to other projects that are of importance for the location and its companies. In short – if you want to get something up and running in Oberhausen we’re always keen to support you as a partner.

Business services in Oberhausen –
we make your company future-proof

Skilled workers and qualifications

The competitive capability of companies depends upon a sufficient number of experts and skilled workers and their qualifications. Developments in the world of work also represent increasing challenges for employees and companies, e.g. with the term of “Work 4.0”.
Securing skilled personnel also includes increasing the requirement for qualification and therefore adjusting to competition via training and further education. The provision of performance today is more networked, digital and flexible and often occurs at global levels. This is why our efforts focus on these topics and inform about training options along with providing information about various subsidy programmes.

Skilled personnel

By combining profession and family, companies have a tool for winning trained personnel and for meeting the need for well-qualified managers and experts in the long run. Oberhausen’s cooperation with the Mülheim and Bottrop zdi centres also positively contributes to securing skilled business personnel.

Your contact:
Peter Engels
Tel.: 0208/85036-12


The OWT provides information about further training possibilities and measures for qualification. Precisely the right contacts to training authorities and institutes are established. We work together with all relevant entities in and around Oberhausen. We are also a consultation centre and issue the “Bildungsscheck” [business voucher].

Your contact:
Heinz Wisnitzer
Tel.: 0208/85036-13

Die OWT vor Ort: Unsere Unternehmensbesuche


A variety of subsidy programmes offered by the EU, the Federal Government and the State of North Rhine Westphalia offer business start-ups and companies public financing aid. These cover e.g. operating equipment, investments, innovation and consultation services. We inform about the various subsidy options and provide you with an overview and information about their specific use. Thanks to our corporation with the NRW.Bank and the KFW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau/Reconstruction Loan Corporation) we can also integrate experts directly into the consultation process if needed.

The OWT is the contact point for initial consultation with the ESF subsidy tools Bildungsscheck NRW (business access) and Potentialberatung NRW. The economic consultation programme subsidised through EFRE funding can also be directly applied for at the OWT. The OWT is also the regional contact partner for companies for the “Promotion of Corporate Expertise” programme.

Potential consulting is a subsidy offer provided by the North Rhine-Westphalian State Government for small and medium-sized companies. It subsidises the request for corporate consultation and is provided by a private consultancy to your company.

Your contact:
Peter Engels
Tel.: 0208/85036-12

The Bildungsscheck NRW [NRW training voucher] emphasises the own responsibility of companies and employees for their vocational further development. Training and further education measures serving vocational qualification are supported that also impart technical expertise and key qualifications.

Your contact:
Heinz Wisnitzer
Tel.: 0208/85036-13

North Rhine Westphalia supports consultation measures for the development, assessment and implementation of business start-up concepts before realisation. Support is provided for the intention to found or take over a company or for gaining majority stakeholdings in a company.

Your contact:
Heinz Wisnitzer
Tel.: 0208/85036-13

This programme is intended for small and medium-sized companies from the categories of young company, existing company and companies experiencing difficulty.

Advising both young and established companies may contain the following consultation content:

General consultation, specific consultation or enterprise protection consultation.

Young companies and companies in difficulties that wish to apply for a subsidy for corporate consultation must take part in a free information discussion with a regional contact partner before applying.

Your contact:
Heinz Wisnitzer
Tel.: 0208 / 85036-13

Fields of innovation

Innovation determines the competitive capability and market positioning of a company within the global economy. Innovative products and services create new sales possibilities and options for increasing differentiation.

Companies are challenged to integrate innovations into their strategic planning and to specifically generate these. In this regard innovation can be a product, a process, a specific modification or a new product functionality. Various subsidy options exist for specifically driving forward innovations.

Innovation voucher B (consultation)
Small and medium enterprises have the possibility to have costs subsidised by 50-80% for consultation services in the area of innovation at a research institute or university.
Subsidy amount: max. EUR 5,000

R+D (research and development) innovation credit
Small and medium enterprises have the possibility of commissioning an innovative research or development project at a research institute or university and have costs for this subsidised by 50-80%.
Subsidy amount: max. EUR 10,000

See here for further information.

Innovation voucher Digitalisation A
Small and medium-sized enterprises can carry out a status quo analysis of the level of digitalisation in their company (“digitalisation check”) or can determine the level of their IT security. Eligible for subsidies in this way are e.g. SWOT analyses and associated analyses of potential, and in general the analysis of improvement potential in the company.
Subsidy amount: max. EUR 10,000

Innovation voucher Digitalisation B
Small and medium enterprises can have implementation commissions for exposed improvement potential subsidised using the Innovation voucher Digitalisation B (capability and implementation). This is intended to achieve innovative digitalisation measures and projects in the company.
Subsidy amount: max. EUR 15,000

See here for further information.

” open=”no”]ZIM is a subsidy program at state level for all types of technology and industries and for medium-sized companies and economic research institutes. Individual and cooperative projects are eligible for subsidy as well as complete cooperation networks from the research and development sector.

For framework data about the programme and contact data of the ZIM project organisation see here.

Your contact:
Martin Hinzmann
Tel.: 0208/85036-28


Oberhausen ist unter anderem Standort für Technologie und Dienstleistungen. Innovationen generieren in der Stadt neue Arbeitsplätze. Das stärkt überdies Produktion, Handwerk, Handel und Dienstleistungen.
Um Innovationen im Unternehmen vorantreiben zu können, bedarf es manchmal auch externer Partner, die Know-how einbringen und Projekte zum Erfolg führen. Die OWT hat und pflegt intensiven Kontakt zu umliegenden Hochschulen, Universitäten, zu Fraunhofer-Instituten und Multiplikatoren aus dem Bereich Innovation. So hilft sie Unternehmen bei der Identifizierung der richtigen Ansprechpartner und auch Fördermitteln, vermittelt zu einzelnen Fachbereichen, organisiert mit Partnern gemeinsame Veranstaltungen und führt dadurch Akteure zusammen. Unternehmen können über die OWT auf diese Netzwerke zugreifen.

Seit 2017 ist die OWT Mitglied im Förderverein der Hochschule Ruhr West.

Ihr Ansprech­part­ner:
Mar­tin Hinz­mann
Tel.: 0208/85036-28

Leitmarktwettbewerbe NRW [NRW leading market competitions]

The Leitmarktwettbewerbe NRW provides support for the industrial sector in cooperation with the scientific community, in order to meet the fundamental changes in society and the important global economic and ecological challenges we face today.u begegnen.

Essential targets of the Leitmarktwettbewerbe are the conversion of scientific know-how into commercial utilisation, the tapping of new markets, the reduction of hindrances to innovation and the closing of existing gaps in value creation chains. The support focuses on cooperations and the development of future-aligned and sustainable strategies and solutions for all relevant problem issues.

Cooperative projects can be subsidised in the following eight identified leading markets:

Your contact:
Martin Hinzmann
Tel.: 0208/85036-28


The digitalisation of business processes, structures and production technologies is a global megatrend that needs to be faced by every company, independent of its size and branch. To provide support for Oberhausen companies with regard to digitalisation and Industry 4.0, the OWT has signed a cooperation agreement with “Digital in NRW”, the federal 4.0 expertise centre for medium-sized companies. In this way, interested companies can be offered a wide spectrum of support options, ranging from familiarisation and training to specific implementation measures.

Your contact:
Martin Hinzmann
Tel.: 0208/85036-28

For start-ups
We’ll help you to get started

Successful foundation – secure growth

Logo: Startercenter Oberhausen NRW

Do you have a compelling idea and do you want to transform this into business? Do you need dependable financial consultation? Do you need a guide? Are you looking for an affordable location for your start-up? Are you looking for contact to other young companies? If so, the Gründercity Oberhausen [Start-up city Oberhausen] is precisely right for you.

The STARTERCENTER NRW Oberhausen is your first contact point for founding a company. Extensive information and intensive consultation will help you to prepare and successfully implement your company start-up and also carry out the requisite formalities for founding your company.

Initial information

  • Schedule for the next steps into independence – according to how far advanced you are in founding your company
  • Starter package with information on founding a company
  • Information on seminars, workshops and discussions with experts that are relevant for the foundation

Initial consultation

  • Evaluation of the business concept
  • Tips on drawing up a business plan
  • Advice on franchising, corporate succession and team formations
  • Information about corporate financing and subsidy programmes

Intensive consultation

  • Assessment of the business plan for feasibility and carrying capacity
  • Discussion of the financing concept
  • Preparation for discussion with a bank

Support with formalities for foundation

  • Tips on the handling of authorities
  • Information about required formalities for founding a business

Your contact:

Heinz Wisnitzer
Tel.: 0208/85036-13

im Handwerkszentrum Ruhr
Tel: 0208 / 820 55-15

Fit for business

Logo: Gründercity Oberhausen

Don’t leave your corporate success to chance. On your path towards independence it is much better to place your trust in competent, professional and reliable support. We and our partners from the Gründercity Oberhausen are there to help you.

We offer seminars and workshops about all topics relevant for you, particularly in the first years of independence. We also organise network meetings, invite experts to participate in discussions and establish important contacts to other companies and organisations such as Senior Consult Ruhr, an organisation that has voluntary advisers with specific knowledge available to young companies across all branches.

We are highly familiar with subsidy support, we are keen to inform you about public financial support during your founding and consolidation phase. We are also your contact for the Beratungsprogramm Wirtschaft [Business Consultation] subsidy programmes and the subsidy of corporate know-how.
Together you’re less alone. We have created several formats in which the start-up scene gets together either regularly or sporadically. At the GründerTREFF, our OBERHAUSEN ON TOUR and the event as part of the Gründerwoche Deutschland [Foundation week Germany] in the Theater b.a.r, experiences are exchanged and contacts established. This also offers the opportunity of hearing corporate-relevant talks along with the subsequent exchange of experiences, tips and business cards.

Your contact:
Heinz Wisnitzer
Tel.: 0208 85036-13

Impressions from the Oberhausen start-up fair

Oberhausener Gründermesse

Am 15. September 2018 findet von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr in der Oberhausener Innenstadt die Gründermesse statt. Hier zeigen junge Unternehmen an ihren Ständen, mit welchen Produkten und Dienstleistungen sie sich selbständig gemacht haben und werben so für ihr Unternehmen und machen Kontakte zu neuen Kunden.

Ihr Ansprechpartner:
Heinz Wisnitzer
Tel.: 0208/85036-13

Michael Opolka, Schlüssel-, Schärf- und Tischlerdienst Opolka

Oberhausener Gründermesse

Am 16. September 2017 findet von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr in der Oberhausener Innenstadt die Gründermesse statt. Hier zeigen junge Unternehmen an ihren Ständen, mit welchen Produkten und Dienstleistungen sie sich selbständig gemacht haben und werben so für ihr Unternehmen und machen Kontakte zu neuen Kunden.

Ihr Ansprechpartner:
Heinz Wisnitzer
Tel.: 0208/85036-13